Feast of St. Teresa of Avila, October 15, 2015
My warm welcome to all the clients, readers and friends of this website lovingly offered for our beloved founder, Archbishop Teofilo Bastida Camomot.
“Make your home in me, as I make mine in you… whoever remains in me, with me in him bears fruit in plenty…”(Jn 15:4-6)
I have nothing to give as a message but to relate with you what I have learned from God through our founder, “God is in the heart” I was still a novice when Monsenyor Camomot shared this to us… for him this HEART means CENTER…God is in the innermost chamber of our being. When he tells us , “Your body is the temple of God”, he emphasized of the throne within where God seated twenty four hours watching over us.
The same as when St. Teresa says in her “Interior Castle”, imagine that within the palace dwells this great king, who has vouchsafed to become your Father, and who is seated upon a throne of supreme price.
I believe Monsenyor Camomot is truly convinced of the presence of God in the depths of his soul…in the depths of the soul of each one of us. He used to say in his conference and catechism class with the novices, with the children he met in the street and with his confidants and penitents in the confessional box, …”who is in pain when a child starts to talk back against his “papa” and “mama”? Who is in pain when a “madre” shows disrespect to her superior or to any of her sister? Who is in pain when a husband becomes unfaithful to his wife? … Who is HURT? …”ANG GINOO!”, the God who is in the heart of each one of us.”
The God within him is the very reason why LOVE dwells in all his feelings, thoughts, words and actions because God who is Love illuminates in his whole being.
He continue to gave even if people told him he was fooled…he continue to gave even he was told he was wasting his money. He can’t afford someone to leave empty handed.
May all his virtues continue to inspire us as we continue to trust, take care and listen to the God within the home or castle in our hearts. May this home within spreads wide and come to the open through the intercession of Archbishop Teofilo Camomot so that all of us may harvest abundantly the promised fruits of plenty here on earth and in the heavens above.
In Teresa and Jesus!
Superior General