Unity in Prayer

The world is hard and dead because nobody is meditating inside their hearts. According to the Prophet Jeremiah. Reflecting inside the heart, is prayer. So, let us make alive the faith, hope and charity of the Lord in prayer. Children at home, likewise the wives, you must be united with your children in praying the Rosary. Ten minutes only. The beads of the Rosary, where you prayed the Our Father and Hail Mary, is the heavenly seed which will sow the grace of God in your soul and the souls of your children with the love and fear of the Lord. The chain of the Rosary is the spiritual tie that will unite the whole house to the Lord, because He said:

Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am in the midst of them.” This is the reason why the home that is united in prayer, is united in God.

We regret for the wickedness of our young especially today; but according to the words of Msgr. Fulton Sheen, “there is no wicked child if the parents themselves are not wicked.” The wickedness of parents started from forgetting their responsibilities for God – to pray and to obey His command,

Look at the family if the members eat wherever they are. Not eating together can destroy the family. That house will destroy eventually with its own principle. If this is the result of not eating together, the family will be destroyed, then, what will happen if they will not pray together?

The house will be divided, without unity in God. Therefore the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in teaching the price in the unity of prayer, says: “I will bless the Home who is united in prayer.”

The fruit of the blessing that God will give, is the father and the mother who are kind-hearted. Just like Queen Blanca of France, the mother of St. Louie, the king of France. The mother with her son who will become the King of France kneel down, while still young. Offering the child to the altar after Holy Communion as a celebration of his birthday, the mother said to him: “Louie, there will come a day that you will be crowned as King of France.

But remember my son, I would rather see you dead right now that you have just received your first communion, than to see you later on committing a mortal sin.” So different is the trait of the many parents of today. Blinded by worldly greed, instead of advising their children and protect them, so that the purity of their souls will not be stained to damnation, they, in turn will bring their children to the dance hall especially when they reach the 18th birthday anniversary. These parents, instead of being the protector and savior of the purity of their children, will be their executioner, the reason for the death of the souls in sin against purity.

St. Felicity, the good mother of the seven children who were all males, was a renowned family in Rome. Gathering together her children who had grown to love the Lord, right after the death of her husband, said to them: “My dear children how joyful and how blessed will your mother be, when one day I will see you all offering your life to the Lord in martyrdom.
One day, that desire become true, the seven children were put to jail and their mother, St. Felicity went with them, In front of king, Marco Aurelio, and the executioner, said the following:

My dear children, the day has come for your victory which you longed for. Lift your eyes to heaven and thank God for this grace of martyrdom. Look at Jesus Christ who prepared for you the crown. With great courage, you shed your blood, and also with you, will I shed my blood. Jesus Christ poured out his blood for you, for all of us; let us also shed our blood for His honor.

Their desire was being fulfilled, they were killed, and offered themselves for the great glory of God – Religious Vocations.
This is the image of the parents and their children who were groomed to prayer. The same with you parents who are now attending, if you are prayerful. Being alive and strong, are the fruits of good prayer and virtues of faith, hope and charity in God. This is strength in the Holy Rosary, which with great love reign in your homes.