God has given us two hands, one to receive with & the other to give with. Make use of both!

Beatification Process Ongoing

The Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome has opened the process for the possible beatification of the late Archbishop Teofilo Camomot of Cebu. The late archbishop was known for generosity to the poor.

100 Birth Anniversary

March 3, 2014 is the 100 Birth Anniversary of the Servant of God Archbishop Teofilo Camomot. A Filipino bishop who is known for his service and generosity to the poor is on the road to possible canonization.

God is in the Heart

Find an inspiration and solace in reading this book on the life and pastoral ministry of Archbishop Teofilo Bastida Camomot to do a little and daily sacrifices for the cause of his beatification.

The Daily Mass Schedule at the DST Motherhouse Chapel, Valladolid, Carcar City, Cebu (near the tomb of Archbishop Teofilo Camomot)


We are inviting everyone to join us as we celebrate the 30th death anniversary of the Servant of God, Archbishop Teofilo B. Camomot, D.D. The Eucharistic Celebration will be held at the Daughters of St. Teresa Chapel, Valladolid, Carcar City, Cebu.

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